What Is a Russian Manicure & Our At-Home Alternatives

What Is a Russian Manicure & Our At-Home Alternatives

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If you have spent any time on social media lately, you may be somewhat familiar with the Russian manicure. The results of this technique are gorgeous! However, the process can be long and quite expensive, often requiring continued trips back to the salon. Let's find out if this service is right for you and explore some alternative options you can do at home and with no training.

A Russian manicure is different from a traditional manicure in a few ways. The most obvious being that, instead of using water to soften and remove the cuticle, the cuticle is removed dry, using an e-file. Working with a dry nail is more efficient in cuticle removal, and allows for fewer mistakes. This technique is said to have originated in Russia, hence the name. Russian manicures take significantly longer than a traditional manicure, sometimes up to two hours. It is very important that the salon you visit has a staff that is trained properly and extensively. Done wrong, this type of manicure can lead to bacteria growth and damage to your nails. 

a photo of a customer soaking their nails during a manicure

The cost of a Russian manicure ranges from $70-$100, depending on your location and salon choice. Manicure results last up to 3 weeks, meaning proponents of the Russian manicure claim that your cuticles will look flawless for as long. With this price tag, and the frequency the manicure is needed, it can get very expensive. 

Let's discuss some home alternatives, if this price is too high for your budget. It is easy to get beautiful nails at home and heal your cuticles practically overnight, so such a rigorous manicure is not necessary.

Before you reach for those cuticle nippers, consider this first. The cuticle protects your nail from bacteria and infection, and should be cut very minimally. Be sure you do not clip any live cuticles, as this can lead to infection. Opt instead for a cuticle remover or softener, this gets rid of any dead cuticle on your nail. We recommend the one that comes in our Nail Kit, which includes other tools needed for a successful at home manicure with no soaking! Removing the dead cuticle from your nail creates a smooth surface for polish or nail wraps.

Our nail kit is a great alternative to a Russian manicure

Remember to give your cuticles some regular TLC in between manis as well. Consider keeping our pumice stone cuticle pusher in the shower and gently pushing back cuticles 1-2 times per week at the end of your shower routine. When wearing nail wraps, be sure to reapply topcoat once a week to keep up with nail growth and snags from the cuticle pusher.

Now for the fun part, a flawless finish! After cleaning up your cuticles, clean your nail plate with an alcohol wipe and get to polishing, or, as we prefer...nail wrapping! One of the biggest benefits of nail wraps, as opposed to the Russian manicure, is that nail wraps do not damage your natural nails. Russian manicures require filing of the nail plate and usually end with a gel manicure, which if not removed properly can damage your nails. If gel polish is your preference, try our line of 21-free polishes and our Magic Remover Gel.

Another benefit to using nail wraps is their price, each set of classic nail wraps is under $7 and lasts up to two weeks. This makes them a great option for someone who does not want to spend a lot on regular nail care.

In addition to polishing nails, nail techs can do intricate nail art as part of a Russian manicure. For an at-home alternative, check out our line of nail wraps! They provide beautiful nail art in 3 easy steps with no extra tools or training. Be sure to finish up with a layer of topcoat, for a glossy and long-lasting result.

Nail wrap manicure

A Russian manicure is a glamorous option, if you have a high nail budget. However, beautiful and flawless results can be achieved right in your own home for a fraction of the price. Giving your cuticles regular TLC and using nail wraps help you look like you stepped right out of the salon, and you can keep your healthy natural nails while you're at it!

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